Golden Peanuts
This piece was part of a collaborative project carried out together with Ms. Renate U. Schürmeyer, a German artist, who developed “Golden Peanuts,” a series of works using peanuts. The musical material of this acousmatic piece was composed using samples and digitally manipulating the sounds of her kinetic sculpture.
Premiere: july 2008, Juan José Saer Hall
Toy Piano
Based on the first piece of Suite for Toy Piano (1948) John Cage.
Commissioned by Music and Technology Foundation, Musical Production and Research Laboratory, LIPM
Premiere: May 2008, Villa-villa Hall, Recoleta Cultural Center Argentina
Premiere: September 2006, España Recoleta Cultural Center Hall
alto saxophone and electroacustic soundsPremiere: September 2006, Espacio ecléctico Hall
Performed by Iliana Muzzio
... de lo inefable
…de lo inefable (…from the ineffable)
An intimate music, a space between the presence and the absence of sound, between the conventional and the unconventional sonorous qualities of the instrument (voice and voiceless). Every process generating a spurious, lacking musical interest or defective sound, are the main materials of this piece. A way of reversing a point of view, what is considered as amusical and anti-aesthetic become the fundamental aspects of the concept and work composition.
Una música íntima, un espacio intermedio entre la presencia y la ausencia de sonido, y entre las cualidades sonoras convencionales y no convencionales del instrumento (lo fónico y afónico). Todo proceso de generación de sonido espurio, defectuoso, falto de “interés musical” son los materiales principales de la construcción de la pieza. Una manera de invertir la mirada, lo declarado a-musical y lo consentido como antiestético, se convierten en los aspectos fundamentales del concepto y composición de la obra.